The Firearms Trading Post
The intention of this web site is to provide you, the site visitor with information regarding Paradise Sales; general information on our store, the classes we offer along with schedules and information regarding special guns that are currently being sold in our store. This web site is not currently set up as an e-commerce site and as such, no sale or money transaction of firearms, ammunition, accessories, etc will be made through this web site.
The information provided to you on this web site is subject to change at any time as per the discretion of either the owner of Paradise Sales or the webmaster of this web site. While the webmaster tried to maintain and keep the information listed on this web site (as it refers to Paradise Sales, its inventory or classes, class schedules, etc) there is no guarantee of this. If you find any information that you feel may be out of date, please contact the store for verification. The information that is provided to you is done so without any warranties, guarantees, etc.
New stories featured in our Blog section are the property of the generating source author, organization, company or entity. Paradise Sales does not claim ownership of the information or material (which are to include the article text, images, videos, etc). All new stories (which include news article text, images, videos, etc.) are credited on the page where the information is found with the source author, organization or company. The news stories are listed as short one-liners or paragraphs without the entire article being posted on our web site. Whenever possible, Paradise Sales will always credit the author of other content that is featured on our web site with name (if applicable) web site address or contact information if web site address is not available. Content featured on our site from another author is always displayed with the content owner/author’s express permission.
Logos, where posted are the exclusive trademarks of their respective companies and are used to reference said company, usually with a web link to an official web site that hosts their content. Paradise Sales does not claim ownership of any logos other than the logo that bears the store’s name. The logos shown on our website are only to show the site visitor, which companies have us listed as an authorized dealer. No other connection with said company is implied or claimed by Paradise Sales.
If there is a complaint or dispute regarding any information or content displayed on this web site (ie, content posted without due credit to author, content posted without author’s permission, etc). Please use the Report Site Issues contact form and select Site Content Dispute from the radio list and type in a description of what is being disputed. Please provide valid contact information just in case the webmaster needs to reach out to you to get clarification or more details regarding the dispute. The webmaster will review the complaint and will handle the dispute as needed. Paradise Sales will always try to get the permission of the author first before posting content but if content is found posted without permission, we will of course remove any disputed content.